Major League Eating. If you’re like me, you knew about competitive eating but had no clue there was an actual sports league, let alone a sports league with actual rankings. In my eyes, legitimate standings and rankings ups the ante to major league cool.
The Welcoming Heart of Chicago
She shed a tear. Followed by another. And another. And another. A sea was beneath her eyes, and the floodgates had sprung wide open in a vast field of deep dish pizzas, […]
Mid-June ’16: Update Chicago
I am so excited! I’m taking my third official trip to Chicago! I’m calling it Update Chicago (I know…I am super creative. I’m also running on 4 hours of sleep […]
Iroquois Steeplechase: Nashville-Styled Horse Racing
“Ma’am! You can’t go in there!” halted the security guard as I started to cross into the box seat area. My heartrate quickened. All I wanted to do was cross to the […]
Gourmet Cornbread…With Splashes of Pesto & More!
So I decided to take my recent experience at the National Cornbread Festival and put it to great use! Many of you saw my video (and if you haven’t, GO. HERE. […]
National Cornbread Festival | South Pittsburg, TN
So incredible! I was stoked to attend the 20th Annual National Cornbread Festival in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. It’s a festival I’ve been meaning to visit for about four years, but I couldn’t […]
Hello America! Hello! Hello World!
And so it begins! is my vlogging blog (or is that blogging vlog?!) all about my voyages in America and beyond with a hearty dose of Americana! I look so […]